Foundation Board

According to the Deed of the Foundation, the Board includes the scientific community (usually four seats for representatives from universities), the industrial sponsors (one seat combined), the federal authorities (one seat combined for FOEN, FOPH, OFCOM, SFOE) and the NGOs (one seat combined). The members of the Board work on an honorary basis.

The Foundation Board elects the members of the Scientific Committee, determines the research funds as well as the budget of the Administrative Office, deals with appeals of project applicants and decides on the exclusion of researchers from project funding in case of gross breaches of contract.

President of the Foundation Board
Prof. Dr. Primo Schär

University of Basel
Vice President for Research

Mattias Forster 

Sunrise GmbH
Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager

Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold

ETH Zurich
Institute of Electromagnetic Fields

Dr. Michael Moser

Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE
Energy Reserarch and Cleantech
Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Nicole Probst-Hensch 

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Head of Department Epidemiology and Public Health

Babette Sigg Frank

Swiss Consumer Forum kf

Gregor Waller

ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Co-Head of Section Media Psychology