
emf-info is the knowledge platform of the FSM. It provides information on physical, technical, biological, legal and health aspects of technologies that use or generate electromagnetic fields (EMF).

The most important technologies are: Power infrastructures and power applications, broadcasting (TV, radio), mobile radio, and wireless household and consumer applications (e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth, DECT phones).

emf-info provides information on the physical and technical principles underlying these applications, explains the state of knowledge on biological and health effects of the electromagnetic fields used, and explains the legal requirements that determine the approval of EMF-using equipment and devices.


For a literature search, visit the EMF-portal of the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen.


Physics (German only)

The basic physical properties of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 300 GHz are described here. It it also explained how these properties are used technically and which natural and technically generated electromagnetic fields are encountered in everyday life.


Technology (German only)

The most important and most commonly encountered EMF technologies are described here, especially power supply and mobile communications. Numerous aspects of these technologies are explained. Selected other applications such as the induction stove or contactless power transmission are also discussed.


Biology (German only)

The effects of electromagnetic fields on the organism, especially the human organism, are presented here. The effects are considered according to frequency, field strength and field type (electric, magnetic, electromagnetic).


Law (German only)

The Swiss regulation on non-ionizing radiation (NISV) is presented and the limit values for the most important applications are listed and compared with international recommendations. It is explained how and from which scientific findings the limits are derived.



The state of knowledge on health effects of electromagnetic fields is presented here. The health areas most frequently investigated in the literature (10 in total) are considered. In addition to general descriptions of the areas and the study results, literature and link references are given, as well as references to results from FSM studies.