Own projects
Health Effects of AC/DC Powerlines - A Literature Review
Funding: Ministry of Environment, Energy, Food and Forests; Rhineland-Palatinate
This literature review describes the current state of knwledge concerning potential health effects of powerlines, expecially of HVAC/DC transmission lines. All emissions are scrutinized, i.e. magnetic fields, electric fields, ion current, noise, aersols, and air pollutants.
Cosmetics, Wellness and Health – EMF applications at home and in beauty and wellness salons
Funding: German Ministry for Radiation Protection (BfS)
The project "Cosmetics, Wellness and Health – EMF applications at home and in beauty and wellness salons" systematically collects and characterises EMF applications, including ultrasound, used in houdholds and in commercial studios. Exposures will be assessed and potential health impacts, as far as they are existing and registered, will be documented.
Project termination: July 31, 2018
Research Activities and Insights into Potential Health Impacts of RF EMF
Funding: Office for Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag (TAB)
The goal of this study is to give TAB an overview over the research activities and insights into potential health impacts from RF EMF - especially mobile communication frequecies. The time window of interest covers the last 10 years, roughly (termination of the German Research Programme on Mobile Communication in 2008/9). Presentation of the selected important activities in Germany, Europe and outside Europe (national and international programmes). Synthesis of insights, identification of reseearch gaps, recommendations.
Project termination: October 31, 2017
Diverging Assessments of Health Risks from Mobile Technologies
Funding: BfS (German Ministry for Radiation Protection)
Principal applicant: Stiftung Risiko-Dialog St. Gallen. The project will analyse the health risk assessments of the main institutional voices in Germany. First, the main scientific "facts" (consesual as well as controversial) dominating the public debate are listed. Second, key institutional players in the German public arena are indentified, and their risk assessments are analysed. Third, important factors influencing risk perception and risk evaluation are derived from literature. Fourth, the institutional risk assessments are compared against a generic framework consisting of, among others, criteria for selecting and weighing evidence. Finally, the results are presented in a way that allows readers to quickly identify conflicting institutional assessments in terms of both, issues as well as evaluation criteria.
Link to Final Report (English summary)
Extended summary (German only) on EMF Info Expertenberichte
Journal Article: Dürrenberger, G., Högg, R., Holenstein, M. (2017). Divergierende Risikobewertungen. Sicherheitsforum, 6, 17, 54-57.
Energy efficiency of and EMF exposure to integrated wireless power transfer devices
Funding: SFOE, FOEN
The project assesses energy efficiency and electromagnetic radiation of wireless charging stations for elec-tronic items by means of empirical measurements and numerical characterisations (different product designs – single coils, arrays; different handling – exact positioning, other). Energy consumption will be compared with conventional charging, EMF emissions will be related to human exposure guidelines. The report ends with recommendations.
Link to final report (with english abstract): Zahner et al. (2017)
Scientific Paper: Fröhlich, J., Zahner, M., Dürrenberger, G. (2017). Magnetic field exposure to wireless charging stations for mobile phones. Bioelectromagnetics, September 2017, DOI: 10.1002/bem.22087.
Technical Notes:
Novotny, R. (2018). Wie effizient ist drahtloses Laden? Bulletin, 2, 2018, 41-43.
Vogel, B. (2017). Induktives Laden: Bequem, aber weniger effizient. EE News, 2, 10.17.
Scientific Review „ELF Electric and Magnetic Fields“
Funding: SFOE
This report comments on the scientific literature about extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields, i.e. 50 Hz (power grid) and 16.7 Hz (railway grid). The main focus lies on biological and health studies. Research about social science and engineering / electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) issues is also covered, however, in a less comprehensive manner. Concerning health, the majority of the discussed peer reviewed literature pertains to epidemiology and human provocation experiments, published since 2010 approximately.
Report (German only)
Fachartikel: Vogel, B. (2018). Keine Angst vor Stromleitungen. Bulletin, 2, 2018, 36-39.
Literature Survey on Stray Voltage
Funding: Swissgrid
In the scientific literature the topic "stray voltage" is quite well covered by engineering papers focusing on the various technical aspects of the issue. Biological and health topics are less often addressed. The report will inform about conceptual and technical issues of "stray voltage" and summarise the exposure and effect studies dealing with farms and cattle on one hand, homes and potential human health Impacts on the other hand. The focus is on 50/60 Hz fields.
Options for NIR-Monitoring Activities in the Canton of Zurich
Funding: AWEL
The Report describes options for monitoring NIR exposure in the Canton of Zurich. It focuses on measurement, costs and implementation aspects. The report is not publicly available. Selected scientific insights have been published in a scientific Journal.
NIR Monitoring Switzerland: concept and feasibility study
Funding: FOEN
The study documented selected monitoring activities in Switzerland and Europe in both low and high frequency fields, and describes and evaluates with respect to scientific and economic feasibility possible approaches for NIS Monitoring in Switzerland.
NIR Portal: Internet based information and exchange forum with Meta-Literature database
Funding: FSM
The project created a knowledge platform with literature functionality which makes it possible for laymen to inform themselves quickly and in an easily understood manner about questions around electromagnetic fields and health.
EMF from energy saving lamps: field measurements and exposure estimates with comparisons to other everyday sources
Funding: SFOE und FOPH
In this project the electromagnetic fields in the immediate vicinity of a dozen energy saving lamps was measured and portrayed in comparison to the fields from other types of lamp and selected devices.