Project supervision / co-operation
Wireless Power Transfer
ETH Zürich, IEF, Prof. Dr. Jürg Leuthold; Funding: BAFU
The project describes the physical mechnisms of wireless power transfer, current technological applications in the electric vehicle market, and the state of discussion within national and international standards committees.
Link to final Report (German only)
Assessment of the scientific evidence about potential biological effects of exposure to low-dose radiofrequency radiation
Swiss TPH, Prof. Dr. Martin Röösli; Funding: BAFU
The project reviews important scientific literature about biological effects of exposure to low-dose radiofrequency radiation and performs a health-risk assessment for the most prominent biological endpoints.
Link to final report (German only)
Energy consumption of mobile telecommunications
FHS NWS Windisch, Dr. Hufschmid; Funding: SFOE
The project analysed the energy demands of GSM and UMTS mobile telecommunications infrastructure (correlation between power requirements and network load) and estimated future needs based on various technology scenarios.
Locating mobile telecommunications base stations: innovative means of conflict mediation
University of Stuttgart, Prof. Renn. Funding: German Mobile Telecommunication Research Programme
An online advisor was developed as part of this research project to support communities in both avoiding and solving conflicts when planning the locations of mobile telecommunications base stations.
Dialogue sustainable mobile telecommunications
Aerztinnen und Aerzte für Umweltschutz, Dr. Gysler. Funding: Public-Private Partnership
In this project stakeholders in the mobile communications debate (service providers, authorities, NGOs, science) sounded out the potential of reducing the level of conflict in infrastructure development. The project was scientifically supervised.