Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee consists of a maximum of ten members. It includes the Managing Director and currently eight external scientific experts. The external members work on an honorary basis. Sponsors and supporters of the foundation are not represented on the Scientific Committee, nor are they informed about its deliberations. They are not entitled to contest the decisions of the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Committee has, among other duties, the following tasks and competences: Elaboration of the call for proposals, evaluation of the incoming project proposals, decision on the allocation of the research funds and, if necessary, consultation of external experts as well as external representation of the scientific decisions. Potential conflicts of interest between members of the Scientific Committee and project applicants are taken into account. The funds of the foundation are awarded completely independently of its sponsors and supporters, based solely on scientific criteria.

Prof. Dr. Michael Siegrist

ETH Zurich
Institute for Environmental Decisions
Consumer Behavior

Prof. Dr. habil. Urs Dahinden

FHGR University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons
Departement Applied Future Technologies,
Swiss Institute for Information Science (SII)

Dr. Stefan Dongus

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Departement Epidemiology and Public Health

Dr. Jürg Eberhard

Swiss Research Foundation for Electricity
and Mobile Communication

Managing Director

Dr. Jürg Fröhlich

Fields at Work GmbH
Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Reto Huber

Children's Hospital Zurich
Child Development Center and Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Prof. Dr. Meike Mevissen

University of Bern
Division Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology
Professor and Head

Dr. David Schürmann

University of Basel
Department Biomedicine

Dr. Jasmin Smajic

ETH Zurich
Institute of Electromagnetic Fields